Blockchain in the integrated energy transition
Published: 2019-01-01
Organization: Dena
Overview: So what can the blockchain contribute to the energy transition? And where exactly can this technology be utilised? Together with 16 partner companies from the energy sector and with the involvement of two scientific experts, four scientific advisors and four advisors from the blockchain scene, dena systematically explores these issues with the present study. The study focuses on 11 selected use cases from the five overarching areas of application asset management, data management, market communications (electricity), trade (electricity) and financing & tokenisation, thereby highlighting the various aspects of the application of the technology in the energy system of tomorrow. All use cases will be analysed and evaluated with regard to their technological maturity, the competitive situation with other technologies, the micro-economic (business economic) as well as macro-economic (economic) benefits, the strategic added value and the regulatory environment. The findings of these case-specific analyses (cf. also chapter 3) support companies and policymakers with the categorisation and the decisions regarding the use of blockchain technology in the integrated energy transition. At the same time, the findings provide the developmental stage of this still very young technology with a range of corresponding starting points for further investigations. Particular attention should be focused here on systemic efficiency gains which result from synergies due to the simultaneous testing and implementation of individual use cases.